Indy Chamber 训练


Business 教练ing provides you with the tools and resources you need to succeed. Our personalized, one-on-one 教练ing is available in English and Spanish. See how our business 教练ing can help you grow.

Sign up for business 教练ing

Wondering why we use a circle?

Growing, scaling, and maintaining a business is an ongoing thing. 我们使用 a circular chart, in partnership with Growth Wheel to illustrate the cyclical nature of business development. As your business evolves and your needs change, so do the resources you need access to. In partnership with Growth Wheel, we help entrepreneurs from around the world grow and reach business success. See an opportunity for you to strengthen your business? Find a 教练 and get started today.

Find your 教练 today

Determine where you are, understand where you want to be, and build a plan to get there.

Ready to get started with a 教练?


Frequently Asked Questions.


Are there any costs associated meeting with a 教练?

No. All of our 教练ing services are completely free thanks to the support of our generous funders.

How long will the 教练ing appointment be?

Most first time 教练ing appointments last an hour.

What will we do in the first meeting?

The first 教练ing session is very conversational, and is an opportunity to talk with the 教练 about your business challenges and/or desired 路径.  Your 教练 will assess your needs and  help identify resources and strategies to assist your business.

Do I need to bring anything to my first 教练ing appointment?

No.  You do not need to bring anything to your first meeting unless there is a specific item that you want to discuss with your 教练, such as reviewing a business plan or marketing materials. 一定要完成 your 5-10 min intake form before your first meeting (link to the intake form can be found in your appointment’s calendar invitation).

Do you have 教练es that specialize in specific industries?

Our 教练es are business generalists, and typically do not specialize in specific industries.  We can help you by providing you with the tools and resources that will help you analyze and market your concept, write your business plan, develop a budget, manage your cash flow, and build strong recordkeeping for your business.

How often can I meet with my 教练?

这个变化.  After your first meeting, your 教练 will give you action items to work on to help move your business or concept forward.  一次 you complete those action items, please contact our office to schedule a follow up appointment.

How do I schedule a follow up appointment?

You can schedule follow up appointments by reaching out to your 教练 directly or by calling our office at 317-464-2258.

Can I switch 教练es?

We try to keep our clients with the same 教练 for efficiency and 一致性.  This allows you to keep your business moving forward without having to review where you are every time you meet with a 教练.  However, if you feel that your 教练 is not the right fit, please contact our office at 317-464-2258, and we will help you make a 一次性 switch to a new 教练.  Please be advised that once you switch 教练es, you cannot switch back or switch to a third 教练.

Can I do a phone call or virtual meeting instead of a face-to-face meeting?

The first appointment is a face-to-face meeting so you can meet and build a rapport with your 教练.  We also have an intake form that requires your original signature.  Follow-up appointments can be done face-to-face, over the phone, or via virtual tools such as Go to 会议.

Where are your 教练ing locations and what are your 教练ing hours?

We have several 教练ing locations throughout Indianapolis and the surrounding counties.  Our 教练ing hours typically take place between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. We do offer some evening 教练ing hours 2 times a month.

Have more questions about 教练ing?

Knowing where to start can be a challenge. 让我们来帮忙!

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